Top-100 artists:

VISAGE (ŒIL) by Pablo Picasso

VISAGE (ŒIL), 1963

Painted and partially glazed ceramic; round plate
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Sotheby's, London (05 Feb 2016)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Feb 5, 2016
Sotheby'sLondonPicasso in Private: Works from the Collection of Marina Picasso530
$****** - ******
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Artwork Description



painted and partially glazed ceramic; round plate


Estate of the artist

Marina Picasso (the artist’s granddaughter; acquired from the above)


Valencia, Fundación Bancaja &amp;&nbsp;Alicante,&nbsp;Fundación Bancaja,&nbsp;Picasso, el diálogo con la cerámica, 1998, no. 50, illustrated in colour in the catalogue<br>Tacoma, Tacoma Art Museum,&nbsp;Picasso, A Dialogue with Ceramics, Ceramics from the Marina Picasso Collection, 1998-99, no. 52, illustrated in colour in the catalogue<br>Künzelsau, Museum Würth &amp; Karlsruhe, Badisches Landesmuseum,&nbsp;Picasso, sein Dialog mit der Keramik - Werke aus der Sammlung Marina Picasso, 1999-2000, no. 61, illustrated in colour in the catalogue<br>Santa Fe, Gerald Peters Gallery &amp;&nbsp;Dallas, Pillsbury &amp; Peters Fine Art, Picasso in Clay: Three Decades of Ceramics from the Marina Picasso Collection,&nbsp;2000, no. 20<br>Barcelona,&nbsp;Museu Picasso, Picasso&nbsp;de la caricatura a las metamorfosis de estilo, 2003, no. 291, illustrated in colour in the catalogue<br>Geneva,&nbsp;Galerie Jan Krugier, Ditesheim &amp; Cie, Le feu et la terre, 2004-05,&nbsp;n.n.<br>Münster, Graphikmuseum Pablo Picasso, Picasso,&nbsp;Im Atelier des Künstlers, 2011,&nbsp;n.n., illustrated in colour in the catalogue


this work is unique.