Top-100 artists:

La Joconde by René Magritte

La Joconde, 1960

Oil on canvas
69.5 x 49.5 cm (27.36 x 19.49 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Sotheby's, London (08 Feb 2011)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Feb 8, 2011
Sotheby'sLondonImpressionist & Modern Art Evening Sale25
$****** - ******
La Joconde
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Artwork Description



69.5 x 49.5 cm (27.36 x 19.49 in)


oil on canvas


signed Magritte (lower right); titled and dated 1960 on the reverse


Galerie Alexandre Iolas, Paris (acquired from the artist)

Acquired from the above by the present owner circa 1970


New York, Iolas Gallery, René Magritte: Paintings, Gouaches, Collages 1960-1961-1962, 1962, no. 13 Minneapolis, Walker Art Center, The Vision of René Magritte, 1962, no. 75 Little Rock, Arkansas Art Center, Magritte, 1964 (possibly) San Francisco, Gump's, Magritte, 1964 Paris, Galerie Alexandre Iolas, Magritte: le sens propre, 1964, no. 11 (possibly) New York, Iolas Gallery, Magritte: le sens propre, 1965 Rotterdam, Museum Boymans-van Beuningen & Stockholm, Moderna Museet, René Magritte, 1967, no. 77 (in Rotterdam); no. 71 (in Stockholm), illustrated in the catalogue Bordeaux, Galerie des Beaux-Arts, Surréalisme, 1971, no. 133 Brussels, Palais des Beaux-Arts & Paris, Musée National d'Art Moderne, Rétrospective Magritte, 1978-79, no. 166, illustrated in the catalogue Humlebæk, Louisiana Museum & Hovikodden, Kunstsentret, René Magritte, 1983-84, no. 92 (in Humlebæk); no. 77 (in Hovikodden) Tokyo, Musée National d'Art Moderne, René Magritte, 1988, no. 118, illustrated in colour in the catalogue Madrid, Fundación Juan March, Magritte, 1989, no. 52, illustrated in colour in the catalogue Paris, Musée du Louvre, Copier-Créer. De Turner à Picasso: 300 œuvres inspirées par les maîtres du Louvre, 1993, no. 308, illustrated in colour in the catalogue Paris, Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume, Magritte, 2003, illustrated in colour in the catalogue Brussels, Musée Magritte (on loan 2009-10)


Quadrum, Brussels, vol. XI, 1961, illustrated Patrick Waldberg, René Magritte, Brussels, 1965, illustrated p. 262 L'Art belge: Numéro René Magritte, Brussels, January 1968, illustrated p. 40 Michel Butor, Les mots dans la peinture, Geneva, 1969, illustrated p. 18 Suzi Gablik, Magritte, London, 1970, no. 158, illustrated p. 176 Harry Torczyner, René Magritte, 1971, p. 176 Louis Aragon, L'Œuvre poétique: tome V 1930-1933, Tournai, 1975, illustrated after p. 80 Harry Torczyner, Magritte: Ideas and Images, New York, 1977, no. 190, illustrated p. 116 André Blavier (ed.), René Magritte, Ecrits complets, Paris, 1979, p. 667, mentioned in a letter from Magritte to Scutenaire dated 10th December 1965 René Magritte, Lettres à André Bosmans 1958-1967, Paris & Brussels, 1990, p. 141, mentioned in a letter from Magritte to Bosmans dated 17th November 1960 Harry Torczyner, L'ami Magritte: correspondance et souvenirs, Antwerp, 1992, no. 169, mentioned in a letter from Magritte to Torczyner dated 14th November 1960 Magritte (exhibition catalogue), The Hayward Gallery, London, 1992, fig. a, illustrated p. 296 David Sylvester (ed.), Sarah Whitfield & Michael Raeburn, René Magritte, Catalogue Raisonné, London, 1993, vol. III, no. 922, illustrated p. 336.