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Portrait De Dora Maar (Dora Maar À La Coiffe) by Pablo Picasso

Portrait De Dora Maar (Dora Maar À La Coiffe), 1936

Brush and ink, wash and pencil on paper
40.5 x 31.5 cm (15.94 x 12.4 in)
Works on Paper
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Sotheby's, London (05 Feb 2014)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Feb 5, 2014
Sotheby'sLondonImpressionist, Modern & Surrealist Art Evening Sale35
$****** - ******
Portrait De Dora Maar (Dora Maar À La Coiffe)
Similar Artworks
Artwork Description

Works on Paper


40.5 x 31.5 cm (15.94 x 12.4 in)


brush and ink, wash and pencil on paper


dated 13 Novembre XXXVI (lower right)


Dora Maar, Paris (acquired from the artist) The Estate of Dora Maar (by descent from the above. Sold: Piasa, Paris, Les Picasso de Dora Maar - Succession de Madame Markovitch, 28th October 1998, lot 15) Purchased at the above sale by the late owner


Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Linie, Licht und Schatten. Meisterzeichnungen und Skulpturen der Sammlung Jan und Marie-Anne Krugier-Poniatowski, 1999, no. 137, illustrated in colour in the catalogue Venice, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, The Timeless Eye. Master Drawings from the Jan and Marie-Anne Krugier-Poniatowski Collection,1999, no. 151, illustrated in colour in the catalogue Madrid, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Miradas sin Tiempo. Dibujos, Pinturas y Esculturas de la Coleccion Jan y Marie-Anne Krugier-Poniatowski, 2000, no. 1181, illustrated in colour in the catalogue;; Bern, Kunstmuseum, Picasso und die Schweiz, 2001-02, no. 118, illustrated in colour in the catalogue Paris, Musée Jacquemart-André, La Passion du Dessin. Collection Jan et Marie-Anne Krugier-Poniatowski, 2002, no. 162, illustrated in colour in the catalogue Vienna, Albertina, Goya bis Picasso. Meisterwerke der Sammlung Jan Krugier und Marie-Anne Krugier-Poniatowski, 2005, no. 157, illustrated in colour in the catalogue Munich, Hypo-Kulturstiftung, Das Ewige Auge - Von Rembrandt bis Picasso. Meisterwerke aus der Sammlung Jan Krugier und Marie-Anne Krugier-Poniatowski, 2007, no. 190, illustrated in colour in the catalogue