Top-100 artists:

Neuschwanstein (Bavarian Re) by Andy Warhol

Neuschwanstein (Bavarian Re), 1987

Silkscreen in colors on light cardboard
85 x 60 cm (33.46 x 23.62 in)
Prints & Multiples
Edition of 1
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Karl & Faber, Munich (21 Apr 2021)

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Past Sales
ImageLast Sale DateTitleEdition No.Last SaleLast Sale Auction HouseLast Sale Location
Apr 21, 2021Neuschwanstein (Bavarian Re)
Karl & FaberMunich
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Artwork Description

Prints & Multiples


85 x 60 cm (33.46 x 23.62 in)


Silkscreen in colors on light cardboard


With the signature stamp at the lower left; with the dry stamp at lower left


Andy Warhol

1928 Pittsburgh - New York 1987

Neuschwanstein (Bavarian Re)

Silkscreen in colors on light cardboard. (1987). C. 85 x 60 cm (sheet size c. 91 x 62 cm). One of 1,200 copies. With the signature stamp at the lower left.

Printed by Rupert Jasen Smith, New York, with the dry stamp at lower left. Published by Edition Schellmann, Munich/New York and Maximilian Verlag, Sabine Knust, Munich, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Bayerische Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft.