Top-100 artists:

Study for “Le Mort”; , (recto and verso) by Pablo Picasso

Study for “Le Mort”; , (recto and verso), 1901

Pastel, brush, Indian ink and charcoal on paper (recto) felt-tip pen and ink on paper (verso)
43.2 x 50.8 cm (17 x 20 in)
Works on Paper
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Hotel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo, Monte-Carlo (22 Jul 2018)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Jul 22, 2018
Hotel des Ventes de Monte-CarloMonte-CarloTableaux, Sculptures Modernes et Contemporains36
$****** - ******
Study for “Le Mort”; , (recto and verso)
Nov 9, 1999
Christie'sNew YorkImpressionist & 20th Century Works on Paper427
$****** - ******
Etude pour La morte
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Artwork Description

Works on Paper


43.2 x 50.8 cm (17 x 20 in)


Pastel, brush, Indian ink and charcoal on paper (recto) felt-tip pen and ink on paper (verso)


Signed “Picasso” lower right


Kidney Collection, Paris

Walter P. Chrysler, Jr., Richmond, Virginia (purchased directly from the Reins Collection)

Marguerite Cullman, Christie"s sale, New York, November 9, 1999, lot 427

Anonymous sale Christie"s, London, June 24, 2004, lot 377


New York Herald Tribune, Sunday April 2, 1939, Section 6, p.8

Life, March 4, 1940, vol. 8, p. 56

Zervos, Pablo Picasso, Supplement to volumes 1 to 5, vol. 6, Paris, 1954, n° 330 (illustrated p. 40).

Daix & G. Boudaille, Picasso The Blue and Rose Periods: A Catalog Raisonée of the painting, 1900-1906, Greenwich,

Connecticut, 1968, p.193.

Palau i Fabre, Picasso, The Early Years 1881-1907, New York, 1981, p. 536, n° 685 (illustrated p. 273).


PABLO PICASSO (1881 - 1973)

Study for “Le Mort”, 1901, (recto and verso)

Pastel, brush, Indian ink and charcoal on paper (recto) felt-tip pen and ink on paper (verso)

Signed “Picasso” lower right

17" x 20"