Top-100 artists:

La gare by René Magritte

La gare, 1922

Oil on canvas
40 x 60 cm (15.75 x 23.62 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Sotheby's, Paris (19 Oct 2023)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Oct 19, 2023
$****** - ******
La gare
May 10, 1989
Sotheby'sNew YorkImpressionist & Modern Paintings & Sculpture, Part II371
Estimates not disclosed
La gare
Similar Artworks
Artwork Description



40 x 60 cm (15.75 x 23.62 in)


oil on canvas


signed magritte and dated 22 (lower right)


Galerie Giroux, Brussels

Evelyne Brélia & Fernand Quinet, Brussels (possibly acquired from the above in 1923, by descent and sold: Sotheby"s, London, June 26, 1985, lot 222)

Private collection, New York (sold: Sotheby"s, New York, May 10, 1989, lot 371)

Private collection, Italy

Thence by descent to the present owner


Galerie Giroux, Bruxelles

Evelyne Brélia & Fernand Quinet, Bruxelles (probablement acquis auprès du précédent en 1923, par descendance et vendu: Sotheby"s, Londres, 26 juin 1985, lot 222)

Collection particulière, New York (vendu: Sotheby"s, New York, 10 mai 1989, lot 371)

Collection particulière, Italie

Puis par descendance au propriétaire actuel


David Sylvester & Sarah Whitfield, René Magritte, Catalogue Raisonné, Oil Paintings, 1916-1930 , London, 1992, vol. I, no. 35, illustrated p. 142


David Sylvester & Sarah Whitfield, René Magritte, Catalogue Raisonné, Oil Paintings, 1916-1930 , Londres, 1992, vol. I, no. 35, reproduit p. 142


René Magritte

1898 - 1967

La gare

signed magritte and dated 22 (lower right)

oil on canvas

40 x 60 cm; 15 ¾ x 23 ⅝ in.

Painted in 1922.


René Magritte

1898 - 1967

La gare

signé magritte et daté 22 (en bas à droite)

huile sur toile

40 x 60 cm; 15 ¾ x 23 ⅝ in

Peint en 1922.