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Der Dom zu Köln by Andy Warhol

Der Dom zu Köln, 1985

Set of four screenprints
20.6 x 15 cm (8.11 x 5.91 in)
Prints & Multiples
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Piasa, Paris (20 Jun 2023)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Jun 20, 2023
PiasaParisEditions: prints, illustrated books, multiples192
$****** - ******
Der Dom zu Köln
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Artwork Description

Prints & Multiples


20.6 x 15 cm (8.11 x 5.91 in)


Set of four screenprints


titled slip with the Cologne Cathedral motif


F. Feldman and J. Schellmann


Andy Warhol (1928-1987)

Der Dom zu Köln - 1985

Set of four screenprints, titled slip with the Cologne Cathedral motif

Publisher Herman Wünsche, Bonn

20.6 × 15 cm (each)

Literature: F. Feldman and J. Schellmann,

Andy Warhol Prints, A Catalogue Raisonné 1962-1987, no. II.361-364

These screenprints were edited for the Exhibited Andy Warhol - Der Dom zu Köln at the Historischer Bredershof, Königswinter am Rhein, in 1985.